Bij Maas Plant koopt u haagplanten in die rechtstreeks vanuit de kwekerij komen. Wij hebben al meer dan 50 jaar ervaring in het inkopen en leveren van diverse soorten planten en bomen voor de aanleg van diverse groenvoorzieningen. Onze producten, waaronder allerlei soorten haagplanten, zijn het hele jaar door verkrijgbaar. Elk project is maatwerk en Maas Plant is graag uw totaalleverancier van groen. Maatwerk op het gebied van plantgoed tot uitgangsmateriaal blijft nodig en wij gebruiken uitsluitend duurzame kwaliteitsproducten die een onmisbare bijdrage leveren aan het eindresultaat. Wilt u meer weten over de haagplanten die wij rechtstreeks bij de kwekerij inkopen? Neem vrijblijvend contact with our specialists, we are at your service.
We supply hedge plants, fresh from the nursery, all over the world. We do this to a wide range of customers including municipalities, landscapers and gardeners. Our office in Zundert is ideally situated for export to various destinations abroad. You can also call on Maas Plant BV for the creation of green spaces, something we have been doing for years.uim 50 years perform.
Our (inter)national relations have considered us a reliable business partner for more than 50 years.
are our specialty in all shapes and sizes.
We complete your order for delivery on the desired day.
We supply a wide range of outdoor plants all year round.
When you place an order with Maas Plant, you immediately enjoy several advantages. Our hedge plants are not seasonal and we deliver all year round. Our employees always ensure that your order is complete and can be delivered quickly on the day that suits you best. Moreover, we have many more outdoor plants in our range. We are happy to be your supplier of outdoor plants.
Would you like to know more about hedge plants, fresh from the nursery? Or would you like to know how we can be of service to you as a supplier? Feel free to contact us. You can reach us by phone at +31(0) 76 597 0800 or by e-mail at Our staff will be happy to help you.
Prof. H. v/d Hoevenstraat 10b
4882 JE Zundert (NL)
Prof. H. v/d Hoevenstraat 10b
4882 JE Zundert (NL)